Wednesday, April 27, 2011

New Music: Britney Spears - Till The World Ends Femme Fetale Remix

Britney teams up with tour mate Nicki Minaj and write of her single Ke$ha to prouce the  remix to her second single, 'Till The World Ends Femme Fetale Remix". I personally prefer this version of the song verse the original. Of course what becomes irritating is the constant battle between Nicki and Kim. Nicki takes jabs at Kim.

"Told you they'd revive your career but somebody lied, I ain't talking poultry when I say this chickens fried"
" What, you tired?, you need a break?, you was hot when? Ricki Lake"

Anyway I really enjoy this. Click after the break to listen to the song!

Britney Spears - Till The World Ends Remix feat Nicki Minaj & Ke$ha by JustDoHits

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